Monday, January 31, 2011

In the beginning.....

there was a recession, GST rises, a formation of a Supercity with all the cost increases that brings, a rental shortage, and a family living on a single income in Auckland.

This is my journey to live on less. I hope that it will not only save us money but also be a great learning experience for the whole family.

One of the measurable goals I have is to get our food budget back to $150/week. This was achievable in 2008. Nowadays we're lucky to see change from $200.

I do have a few things to help me on our way.
A shiny new breadmaker that I got for Christmas (thanks mum) and a vege garden that currently has a lovely crop of capsicum, carrots and lettuce, a stand alone freezer, and a crockpot.

Other things that I find useful I'll add to the right of the page to share the love.