Saturday, February 12, 2011

One Bad Apple

I've spent the last hour peeling, coring and chopping cooking apples while in constant fear of what may crawl out of them. I'm feeling very much like a domestic goddess though because the apples are now in my slow cooker with a cinnamon quill and hopefully beginning their transformation into Apple Butter.

Apple Butter is something I've come across a few times on American websites. Apparently it's a very gooey mixture of well cooked apples with spices that you can then use as a sweet topping. It appealed (excuse the pun) because it can be preserved in jars and because having 2 young children I'm ready for a change from garden variety apple sauce.

I've googled Slow Cooker Apple Butter and found several recipes and what is in my slow cooker is going to be a hybrid of all of them. Sorry Martha Stewart but I don't have Apple Brandy. Sorry Annabel Langbein but I don't want to go and buy 750ml of Port just for this recipe.

So I'll let you know how it goes. If it's horrid and beyond rescue I can just bin it. The apples were donated by a friend and apparently 'there's plenty more where those came from'.

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